Screen Print Series




Primary Techniques:

Silk Screen on news print

Pina Bausch.jpg

Pina Bausch


13” x 19.5”

Primary Techniques:

Silk Screen

Pina Bausch was a forward looking and experimental dancer and choreographer. She directed her own dance theater, Tanztheater Wuppertal Pina Bausch, in Wuppertal, Germany. She is well regarded for her choreography of Stravinsky’s the Right of Spring, Pedro Almodovar’s movie, Talk to Her, and original dances, such as Vollmond, in which a large rock occupies much of the stage and the dancers perform on the rock and in several inches of the surrounding water.

This image is of one of the dancers in Vollmond, having left the water leaving rings of water and splashes surrounding and above her jump. Pina’s signature is all over this dance move and in the water supporting the dancer.

Crashed Biker.jpg

crashed biker


Primary Techniques:

Silk Screen

This image is of the artist’s son, Timothy A. Oaks, before he became “Crashed Biker.” His apparent attitude of screaming anger is not for his imaginary rock band, but appears to be demonstrating his mosh-pit technique for his daughter.

The title of this piece refers to his ability to break his collar bone in multiple places at multiple times while mountain or street biking in China.


Unhappy Bather


Day Dreaming, #1