Rose and Rows of corn point the way home

rows of corn.jpg


10” x 15’

Primary Techniques:

Line etching, dry point, aquatint, chine colle

This piece was finished in January 2013 after a year+ of etching, thinking and reworking. It is a view of many places in the Midwest United States, but just happens to be from a hill in Middleton, Wisconsin in August. The reason the subject of this landscape was chosen is for a challenge made by a fellow artist, who is now living in South Africa, but grew up in Wisconsin’s Dane County. Her challenge to me was to create an etching from my comment that on the way from Texas to Wisconsin “rows and rows of corn were pointing the way home.” She offered an incentive, if I would finish the landscape of our home region, she would do a painting on the same theme.

This image will be hanging in a Society of American Graphic Artist exhibit of prints in March-April at the Providence Art Cub (Providence, RI), the oldest art club in the United States


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Unhappy Bather