Obituary Series

This group of pieces is based upon a Native American saying, “Say my name and I live.” Each day we announce the passing of individuals in our community in local newspapers, and these announcements are often accompanied by photographic images of those individuals at some time in their lives. Their dress, expression and pose tell us a lot about each person and are characteristics by which we may remember them. Lavonia, Flora Blanch and Margarete are etchings inspired by obituary photographs. This series of etchings will continue, since the artist believes that this source of inspiration is endless.



This is a two separate plate piece. The plates are printed in the same pass through the press. Two color of ink are applied to the lens areas of the glasses and selectively wiped to give the impression of reflection off their surfaces.

Primary Techniques:

Line etching and selective wiping

Lavonia is a two plate etching, a diptych. Both plates are printed on the same piece of paper using both black and sepia toned inks and regional wiping to keep the inks separated. Lavonia published image showed her hat and sunglasses, an unusual picture for a pubic obituary, but saying a great deal about both Lavonia and the person that chose the image. She reminds me of the flamboyant “Auntie Mame.”



Primary Techniques:

Line etching, pastels and chin collé

Margarete is a piece created with black ink on a single plate colored with yellow and green chin collé paper and colored ink.

An obituary photo, not posed, not smiling and in the back seat of a car caught my eye.


Flora Blanch

Primary Techniques:

Line etching and chin collé

Flora Blanch is a single plate inked with black ink and printed on paper with added colored chin collé paper.


Subway Series


Family Series