Subway Series

This group of pieces focuses on interpersonal interactions of people while traveling. Travel manners forbid casual communication and often even eye contact. During travel, anonymity is culturally enforced and often a personally desired condition. However, personal space often shrinks as crowds increase in size. Certain individuals demand anonymity by requiring greater personal space indicated by their behavior or body language. This series asks the viewer to consider how we and others behave as we travel.


Waiting for the Subway

5” x 7”

Primary Techniques:

Line etching, aquatint, and chin collé

Waiting For The Subway is the first of this series. Combining black ink with four different patterns of chin collé mulberry papers from Japan, and selective wiping of the ink gives the tonality to the black areas and color to the areas of chin collé. A single seated person waits for the subway while huddled against a steel beam. How far have the other persons on the platform moved away?"


Another Long Day


5” x 7”

Primary Techniques:

Line etching and aquatint

A business person waits on the subway platform for the correct train. It’s been a long day and home will feel good.

Awards: ‘Judges Choice’, 2010 at the Artful Affair, Dane County wide art show.


Spring at the Rose P.O.


Obituary Series